Management Structure


We will introduce the management structure of Nisso Corporation.

  • Corporate Ethics
  • Compliance
  • Safety Initiatives
  • Multi

NISSO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior- NISSO's Promise

October 1, 2016 Formulation

The Nisso Group is committed to respecting fundamental human rights and creating a workplace environment where employees can work safely, maintain good health, and thrive. We strive to conduct fair and honest corporate activities with the aim of fostering a rich human life.
In addition to compliance with laws and regulations, we uphold high ethical standards, embrace diverse values, and value the individual fulfillment and meaningfulness of work. As a company that cherishes the satisfaction and motivation of each individual, we pledge to take responsible actions and establish the "Nisso Group Corporate Code of Conduct."

Scope of Application

This charter applies to all officers and employees working at Nisso Corporation and its affiliated companies.

Adherence to the Charter

Officers and employees are required to comply with this charter and strive to ensure that the principles of this charter are understood and supported by everyone associated with the Nisso Group, including customers, business partners, and shareholders. Officers and executives are obligated to take the lead in establishing and promoting the charter's understanding and implementation both within and outside the organization.

Fair Business Practices

  • We place customer satisfaction at the core of our activities and constantly strive for innovation and improvement to provide valuable services to our customers.
  • We tackle workplace challenges by mobilizing the entire organization and its functions.
  • We engage in fair and transparent corporate activities, always striving for the enhancement of corporate value and proper profit redistribution.
  • Through our business, we create employment opportunities and actively contribute to society by supporting the self-realization of workers.

Respect for Human Rights

  • We respect international norms related to human rights and do not engage in actions that hinder or obstruct human rights.
  • We respect fundamental human rights, diversity, and individuality of employees and do not practice prejudice or discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, religion, physical characteristics, wealth, place of origin, or any other reason.
  • We comply with labor laws related to employment, wages, and other working conditions. We do not employ child labor below the minimum working age or force employees into work against their will. Additionally, we do not purchase materials or products produced through child labor or forced labor.

Communication with Society, Information Disclosure, and Information Protection

  • We manage company information appropriately and disclose necessary information promptly, appropriately, and accurately.
  • We rigorously protect and manage various types of information, including personal information, customer information, and intellectual property rights. We do not unjustly infringe or use such information.

Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

  • We confront anti-social forces and organizations with a firm attitude and do not comply with unjust or illegal demands.

Creating a Vibrant Workplace

  • We respect the individuality of each employee and actively create opportunities for them to fully utilize their abilities.
  • We foster a bright and lively work environment where employees can freely express themselves.
  • We value an attitude that seeks reforms and innovations among employees and nurture employees who will lead the next generation.
  • We respect the fundamental labor rights, including the right to unite and engage in collective bargaining, and do not infringe upon these rights.

Ensuring Safety and Environmental Initiatives

  • We recognize the importance of environmental issues and actively work towards resource efficiency, energy conservation, and environmental improvement.
  • We consider safety and accident prevention as social responsibilities and strive to ensure safety not only during work but also during commuting.

Responsibilities of Management

  • We prioritize the safety and health maintenance of employees and invest management resources without hesitation to maintain and improve their quality of life.
  • When operating the company, we sincerely listen to voices both within and outside the company and choose the best methods to fulfill our social responsibilities.

Response to Incidents

  • In the event of incidents or issues that contradict this charter, the management will openly demonstrate a proactive attitude in resolving the problem, promptly and effectively. We will conduct a thorough investigation into the causes and make efforts to prevent recurrence. Furthermore, we will promptly and accurately disclose relevant information to the public, fulfill our accountability, and impose strict penalties, including on ourselves, after clarifying the authorities and responsibilities.

Nisso Group Employee Code of Conduct- My Behavior -

Established on April 1, 2017

In pursuit of realizing the spirit of the Nisso Group Corporate Code of Conduct, we have established the "Nisso Group Employee Code of Conduct" as a more specific set of guidelines that officers and employees of the Group must adhere to in their daily actions. Officers and employees are responsible for complying with this Code of Conduct and must conduct themselves accordingly.

Fair Business Practices

  • We conduct fair and transparent transactions based on laws and ethics, striving to earn the trust of the entire society.
  • We maintain healthy and moderate relationships with stakeholders and do not engage in entertainment, gifts, or money exchanges for the purpose of undue profit.
  • We respond sincerely to customer feedback and incorporate it into future service and business improvements.
  • We adhere to corporate codes of conduct, laws, employment regulations, and internal rules, conducting ourselves with dignity and moderation.

Respect for Human Rights

  • We eliminate all forms of discrimination based on race, creed, gender, social status, religion, nationality, age, physical or mental disabilities, and respect individuality.
  • We always respect basic human rights in various aspects of corporate activities and refrain from discriminatory language or actions that damage personal dignity.
  • We eliminate forced labor and labor of children below the legal working age and do not engage in any acts contrary to public morals, including various forms of harassment.

Communication with Society, Information Disclosure, and Information Protection

  • We enhance mutual understanding with society, build trust through communication, and disclose accurate corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner to stakeholders.
  • We rigorously manage confidential information, including customer information, learned during work, and do not disclose it to others. This obligation continues even after retirement.
  • We do not infringe upon intellectual property rights, including copyrights and patents, and do not use insider information acquired in business for personal gain or any other improper purposes.

Creating a Vibrant Workplace

  • We comply with labor laws and strive to achieve a healthy and comfortable work environment that allows for a balance between work and life.
  • We actively work on improving our abilities with a challenging attitude and strive to develop our subordinates and juniors.

Ensuring Safety and Environmental Initiatives

  • We endeavor to conserve resources, promote energy efficiency in business activities, and actively cooperate with customers and business partners in efforts toward environmental conservation and waste reduction.
  • We comply with laws and internal regulations related to occupational health and safety, promote measures to prevent labor accidents and mental health, and strive to create a safe workplace.
  • We strive to comply with laws, improve traffic manners, practice safe driving, and work to prevent traffic accidents.

Ethical Policy

Our company, along with our officers and employees, pledges to share and thoroughly enforce compliance, which should be the cornerstone of corporate management. We will adhere to the following policies to uphold this awareness.

① (Compliance with Laws and Ethics)

We will act with high ethical standards, respecting all laws and their spirit both domestically and internationally, and conduct ourselves sincerely.

② (Elimination of Improper Gains)

We prohibit all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement. We will not engage in acts that fall under bribery, such as offering, receiving, applying, permitting, or promising benefits, through abusing job authority or position, with the aim of committing improper acts that violate laws and internal regulations.

③ (Disclosure of Information and Transparency)

We will disclose corporate information promptly and accurately to stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, investors, business partners, government, community, and others, enhancing transparency.

④ (Protection of Intellectual Property)

We will respect the intellectual property of others obtained through corporate activities and protect confidential information.

⑤ (Fair, Transparent, and Free Competition and Transactions)

We will always conduct fair, transparent, and free competition and transactions in domestic and international markets.

⑥ (Protection of Identity and Prevention of Retaliation)

We will protect individuals who report through internal systems such as phone calls and emails in accordance with laws and internal regulations, ensuring they are not put in disadvantageous situations or retaliated against.

⑦ (Awareness and Thorough Implementation)

To thoroughly implement this policy, we will appropriately educate officers and employees, ensure awareness, and conduct regular reviews. This will further advance compliance management.

October 1, 2019
Representative Director and President, Executive Officer
Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Human Rights and Labor Policy

We recognize that respecting human rights is fundamental to our business activities. We support international standards on human rights, such as the United Nations Global Compact's principles on human rights and labor. In order to conduct management that respects human dignity, we uphold the following policies and make this commitment:

① (Freedom of Employment Choice)

We pledge not to engage in any form of forced labor in our business activities.

  • We do not use forced labor, debt bondage, or involuntary prisoner labor.
  • Documents such as passports and identification cards that belong to individuals are managed and stored by employees; the original copies are not held by our company.
  • The relationship between workers and our company must be voluntary, and workers have the freedom to leave the workplace or terminate their employment at any time.

② (Young Workers)

We commit to not employing child labor and ensure fair treatment regardless of the employment status, including student workers, interns, and trainees, by complying with the minimum age laws and requirements of each country.

  • We do not employ children under the age of 15 within Japan.
  • We provide appropriate consideration according to domestic laws for workers under 18 years old.
  • When employing student workers, interns, or trainees, we comply with domestic laws, provide proper training and management, and do not exploit them as cheap labor.

③ (Working Hours)

We promise to comply with the labor laws of each country regarding working hours, holidays, and leave.

④ (Wages and Benefits)

We adhere to the wage-related laws of each country, ensuring appropriate salary payments and avoiding unjust deductions.

  • We regularly provide methods for workers to confirm accurate compensation.
  • Compensation is paid regularly through cash or bank transfers.

⑤ (Humane Treatment)

We commit to rigorous measures to prevent harsh and inhumane treatment, including abuse and harassment, ensuring they do not occur.

  • We do not engage in acts such as sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical or mental coercion, or verbal abuse, nor do we condone such behavior.

⑥ (Elimination of Discrimination)

We respect the diversity of individuals and work towards creating a workplace without harassment or illegal discrimination.

  • We eliminate discrimination based on factors such as human rights, beliefs, gender, age, social status, lineage, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy status, protected genetic information, military service experience, affiliation with political parties, union membership, or presence of disabilities.
  • We appropriately accommodate requests related to religious or ethnic customs from workers and eliminate discrimination in the workplace due to these requests.
  • We value individual personality and abilities, providing equal opportunities for employment, hiring, skill development, education, salary increases, promotions, and advancement based on capabilities.

⑦ (Freedom of Association)

We respect the operation of organizations by labor unions and employees in accordance with the laws and customs of each country. We promise to respect the rights of workers, including the formation and participation in such organizations and the right to engage in collective bargaining.

⑧ (Awareness and Thorough Implementation)

To thoroughly implement this policy, we will appropriately educate officers and employees, ensure awareness, and conduct regular reviews. This will further advance management that respects human dignity.

January 1, 2023
Representative Director and President, Executive Officer
Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Nisso Group Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Basic Policy

The Nisso Group, in accordance with the spirit of its corporate philosophy and creed, has established the "Nisso Group Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Basic Policy" to prepare for various risks that could impede business continuity, such as large-scale disasters and pandemics. Employees of the Group are expected to understand the fundamental principles outlined in this policy and act responsibly as a socially responsible corporation.

In order to achieve the following objectives, plans are formulated:

  1. To achieve the following objectives, plans are formulated:
    1. 1) Prioritize the safety and security of employees, their families, and service users.
    2. 2) Support the business continuity of our customers.
    3. 3) Contribute to the reconstruction support of disaster-affected areas and contribute to the local community.
  2. Identify the operations that need to be continued or restored, and execute specific measures systematically.
  3. Conduct regular education and training for employees and the entire organization, and strive for continuous improvement.

First Edition, April 1, 2021
Representative Director and President, Executive Officer
Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Operational Policy for Labor Dispatch Business

  1. We strive for transparency in our operations by disclosing information related to our business, ensuring open and transparent operation widely within society.
  2. All employees involved in labor dispatch operations will strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations, and will approach client companies that do not comply with laws and contracts with a rigorous attitude.
  3. We respect the individuality and personality of each dispatched worker, ensuring a safe and secure workplace environment, supporting skill development, and assisting in career formation.
  4. We recognize our social responsibility to operate a business that creates employment opportunities for workers. While being mindful of the protection of personal information of dispatched workers and client companies, we will leverage the characteristics of private businesses and fulfill our role in adjusting supply and demand in the labor market.

Information Items Based on the Worker Dispatch Law (PDF)

December 2014
President and CEO, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Action Plan for General Employers Based on the Next Generation Nurturing Support Measures Promotion Act

Nisso Corporation Action Plan

At Nisso Corporation we believe that creating an environment where the next generation can be born and raised in good health is crucial, aligning with our management philosophy of 'Striving to Create a Rich Human Life' and our corporate motto 'A Company for People.' Based on the Next Generation Nurturing Support Measures Promotion Act, we have formulated and will implement an action plan to create a work-friendly environment where employees can balance work and childcare, enabling all employees to fully utilize their abilities.

  1. Planning Period: April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2029, a duration of 5 years.
  2. Contents

    <Goal 1>
    We will conduct activities to raise awareness of systems such as prenatal and postnatal leave, childcare leave, and short working hours, and establish a consultation system.

    ◎From 2024 onwards
    We will promote awareness of the system by posting notices on the company intranet and using guidance materials.

    <Goal 2>
    We will promote the acquisition of paid annual leave by encouraging an increase in the number of days taken per employee annually.

    ◎From 2024 onwards
    We will monitor the usage status of paid annual leave, provide situation reports to department heads, and encourage leave acquisition.

[Act on the Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave
(Child Care and Family Care Leave Act)]

◎Percentage of male workers taking childcare leave (April 1 to March 31 of the following year)

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
6.0% 13.1% 24.6%

Action Plan for General Employers Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Nisso Corporation Action Plan

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we have formulated and will implement the following action plan to expand the recruitment of female employees.

  1. Planning Period: April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2029, a duration of 5 years.
  2. Contents

    <Objective 1>
    Increase the percentage of female regular employees among new hires to 15.0% or more.

    <Initiatives and Implementation Period>
    ◎From April 2024
    Actively assign women to hiring managers.
    Featuring female employees in graduate recruitment pamphlets and recruitment websites, promoting Nisso Corporation as a company where women can thrive.

    <Objective 2>
    Increase the percentage of employees who have access to flextime to at least 15.0%.

    <Initiatives and Implementation Period>
    ◎April 2024- Promote expansion of offices conducting trial operations
    ◎April 2026- Official introduction of flextime system
    ◎April 2028- Further expansion of offices to be introduced

    [Information Disclosure on Women's Participation]
    ◎ Percentage of female workers among employees (as of December 2023)

    Employees 19.4%
    Part-time Employees 62.5%
    Production Staff 14.7%
    Dispatched Staff 21.1%
    Accepted Dispatched Employees 100%

    ◎ Discrepancy in average length of service between men and women (as of December 2023)

    As of December 2021 Women: -0.1 years (Year-over-year change: ±0.0 years)
    As of December 2022 Women: -0.2 years (Year-over-year change: -0.1 years)
    As of December 2023 Women: -0.2 years (Year-over-year change: ±0.0 years)

    ◎Wage differentials between men and women (April 1 to March 31 of the following year)

    Year FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    Fulltime Worker 81.7% 81.2% 80.2%
    Non-Fulltime Worker 79.0% 79.0% 80.4%
    Total 79.0% 78.8% 78.8%

    For information disclosure based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation, please click here to confirm.

Nisso Corporation Ltd. Privacy Policy

Nisso Corporation as a leading company in the human resources business and a practitioner of our corporate motto, "An Enterprise with Social Responsibility," and recognizing that human resources are our company's unique and absolute management resource, will always be conscious of the importance of the personal information entrusted to us and will comply with legal regulations related to personal information protection. Furthermore, we will build a personal information protection management system in compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "Requirements for Personal Information Protection Management Systems (JIS Q 15001)," formulate the "Privacy Policy" listed below, and promote a high level of awareness among all executives and employees for the proper handling of personal information on an ongoing basis.

  1. We will comply with laws, guidelines established by the government, and other standards related to personal information, as well as the personal information protection management system.
  2. Personal information handled by our company will be used only within the scope of employment, etc., and will not be used beyond the intended purpose. We will take measures to prevent unauthorized use and manage the information securely, addressing the risk of leakage, loss, or damage through technological and internal controls.
  3. Except in cases where it falls under any of the following, personal information acquired will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the provider:
    1. ① When the provider has consented to the provision.
    2. ② When personal information is used in a form where individuals cannot be identified, such as in statistical data.
    3. ③ When a lawful request for disclosure is made by a government agency, police, public prosecutor's office, court, or other legal institutions.
  4. If individuals wish to be notified of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, or refusal to provide to third parties regarding their personal information, we will respond promptly. Furthermore, we have established a dedicated contact point to handle complaints, consultations, inquiries, etc., related to the handling of personal information, and we will respond promptly.
  5. To ensure proper operation related to personal information, we will periodically review the personal information protection management system and continuously improve it, thoroughly implementing it within the company.

TEL: (81)45-476-4121
FAX: (81)45-476-4521

April 1, 2005 (Establishment Date)
November 1, 2018 (9th Revised Edition Issuance Date)
Representative Director and President, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Our occupational health and safety activities are the foundation of our business management. We prioritize the safety and health of all workers in our company, establish a comfortable work environment, and strive together as a whole company to actively promote and improve occupational health and safety activities in all aspects of our business. We aim to achieve a workplace with zero accidents and disasters.


We will conduct investigations of risks and hazards in all aspects of our business activities. Based on the results, we will take measures to remove or reduce risks, aiming to prevent accidents and disasters proactively.


We will engage in occupational health and safety activities with the participation and cooperation of all employees and stakeholders, aiming to enhance the level of occupational health and safety.


We will comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, related laws, and regulations, as well as safety and health regulations established in the workplace, striving to improve the level of safety and health management.


We will establish and periodically review the occupational health and safety management system, continuously working towards improvement, and aiming for further enhancement of the safety and health standards.


We will prevent health disorders caused by overwork and mental health issues. We will strengthen our health management system and promote the health of all employees.


We will promote measures to prevent traffic accidents, raising awareness to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.


We will provide necessary education and training on occupational health and safety to all employees, aiming to enhance their knowledge and awareness of safety and health.


Our occupational health and safety policy will be thoroughly communicated to all employees as we strive for a workplace with zero accidents and disasters.

April 1, 2015
Representative Director and President, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Nisso Corporation Environmental Policy

Through our comprehensive range of human resources services, we regard environmental preservation and pollution prevention as the most crucial challenges in our management. In order to harmonize our business activities with the environment, we establish this environmental policy. All employees actively engage in creating a circular society, setting and reviewing environmental objectives and goals, recognizing the impacts of our business activities on the environment, and working towards coexistence with the local community.

  1. ① In our business activities, we will work on the following items to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact:
    1. Thorough reduction of electricity usage in offices.
    2. Promotion of eco-driving.
    3. Strict separation and collection of waste.
    4. Active contribution to environmental conservation activities of the local community, customers, and others.
    5. Increased green procurement rate for items used in the company.
  2. ② We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements agreed upon by our company.
  3. ③ We will consider the use of sustainable resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.
  4. ④ All employees will enhance their awareness of environmental conservation, ensuring the understanding and execution of the environmental management system for continuous improvement.
  5. ⑤ This environmental policy will be periodically reviewed and publicly disclosed.

April 1, 2022 (Third Revised Edition Issuance Date)
Representative Director and President, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

Recognizing the importance of collaborative value creation with diverse stakeholders, including not only shareholders but also employees, business partners, customers, creditors, and local communities, in corporate management, we are committed to providing human resource solution services that support the growth of both the company and individuals based on our founding principle, "Nurture People, Empower Lives." We actively engage in appropriate collaboration with multi-stakeholders. Considering the viewpoint that the proper distribution of earnings and results generated by value co-creation and productivity improvement leads to the maintenance of momentum for wage increases and sustainable economic development, we emphasize the importance of returning to employees and considering business partners. We are advancing the following initiatives:

1. Return to Employees

We focus on sustainable growth and productivity improvement through targeted investments in growth areas of management resources, employee capability development, and skill enhancement. Based on the revenue and results generated, we raise wages through appropriate methods considering our own situation. Furthermore, we actively invest in human resources, focusing on human capital, to enhance employee engagement and further improve productivity as a comprehensive treatment improvement. We consider factors such as social conditions and the business environment to evaluate wage increases. Through performance evaluations, we strive for proper distribution and return of company earnings and focus on human resources, talent management, education and training, and career development.

2. Consideration for Business Partners

We will continue to adhere to the contents of the Partnership Declaration.

3. Initiatives for Other Stakeholders

  • We approach our customers with sincerity, creativity, and high-quality services to build long-term relationships of trust.
  • We strive to enhance corporate value through business activities to meet the trust of shareholders and investors. We ensure fair, timely, and appropriate information disclosure, practice transparent management, and value constructive dialogue.
  • We contribute to the revitalization and development of the local community as a member of the community by creating employment opportunities, considering the environment, participating in social contribution activities, and more. We steadily implement these initiatives while confirming the progress.

February 20, 2023
Representative Director and President, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

Nisso Corporation Environmental Policy

We position environmental preservation and pollution prevention as the most important challenges in our management through our range of human resources services. To harmonize our business activities with the environment, we establish this environmental policy. Based on the following basic policy, all employees actively work towards forming a circular society, setting and reviewing environmental objectives and goals, recognizing the impact of our business activities on the environment, and continuing improvement while coexisting with the local community.

  1. ① In our business activities, we work on the following items to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact:
    1. Thorough reduction of electricity usage in offices.
    2. Promotion of eco-driving.
    3. Strict separation and collection of waste.
    4. Active contribution to environmental conservation activities of the local community, customers, and others.
    5. Increased green procurement rate for items used in the company.
  2. ② We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements agreed upon by our company.
  3. ③ We will consider the use of sustainable resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.
  4. ④ All employees will enhance their awareness of environmental conservation, ensuring the understanding and execution of the environmental management system for continuous improvement.
  5. ⑤ This environmental policy will be periodically reviewed and publicly disclosed.

December 2014
Representative Director and President, Nisso Corporation

Ryuichi Shimizu

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